Sitemap - 2023 - Chartbook

Top Links 339 Weapons of the weak, China's problems, war's strange effects in Turkey & a political poet

Top Links 338 Global arms makers are booming, BYD overtakes Tesla, America's secrecy disease and why we should retire the idea of EM.

Top Links 337 Penalizing defeat devices, the lessons parasites teach company directors, Iranian drone technology & Marvin Gaye's Ostend period

Chartbook 257: Santa's workshop economy and the question of unfree elvish labour.

Chartbook 256: Myanmar's polycrisis

Top Links 336 Measuring climate progress, next year in Britain and Ukraine, food in Gaza & an exciting new book

Top Links 335 US steel nationalism, Norwegian undersea mining, Fatimah's sandals & the "Blood of the Colony"

Top Links 334 Russia's war economy running hot, the Red Sea under fire, South Africa's pollution and the passing of Arno Mayer

Top Links 333 Property in Hong Kong, Japanese steel, climate progress & predicting the future

Chartbook 255 Jitters before the fall? The battle over the US Treasury Market

Top Links 332 The sudden stop for low-income borrowers, stocks v. bonds, Larry Summers on the Phillips curve & Marlene Dietrich stepping out

Top Links 331 Unions are back, winners from war in Ukraine, why electric vehicles dominate & the geopolitics of Nutcracker

Top Links 330 Canal trouble, why God is Brazilian, China's deflation & Althusser's Intellectual Adventure

Chartbook 254 Crazy Rich Germans .. . and the hypocrisy of the "social market economy".

Top Links 329 Two-nanometer chips, Chechen yoghurt, low-carbon technology trade & the history of ordoliberalism

Top Links 328 Money in Gaza, electricity in China, dreaming of inequality & a philosopher of economics

Chartbook Carbon Notes 9 Slouching towards a 2 Degree-Plus World

Top links 327 Egypt on the edge, exporting surveillance, Beyoncé’s touring empire & the return of the grizzly bear.

Top Links 326 Munitions, munitions, munitions, hairdressing prices, Jakarta sinking & the making of economics

Chartbook 252 How "Broken Britain" might reconverge: Notes from the Economy 2030 Inquiry.

Top Links 325 Green deflation, Palestine's ruined economy, discourses of delay & the tunnel war

Top Links 324 Economic gloom in America, G-wagons for Moscow, OPEC wobbles and Luhmann's last lecture (German)

Chartbook 251: In the beginning was Napoleon

Top Links 323 The climax of Empire, the Netanyahu doctrine in crisis, the case for dollarization & the making of E.P. Thompson

Top Links 322 Biden as LBJ, China's R&D surge, BP's Sun King, Ninja Turtles & the chicken of tomorrow.

Chartbook Carbon Notes 8: Betting on climate disaster. The possible futures of the (US) oil and gas industry.

Top Links 321 Global child mortality, UK's historic migration surge, San Marino's financial debacle & the rise of the giant Turkey

Top Links 320 Trouble in China, the global carbon gap, Iran, Iraq, Silicon Valley & fireworks

Chartbook Carbon Notes 7 - The IEA's message to the oil and gas industry: wake up!

Top Links 319 Israel's international war finance, flight capital in Singapore, how Moody came to love Meloni & native American deaths of despair

Top Links 318 The Mediterranean energy hub, American pessimism, Italy's far-right Hobbit cult & Walter Benjamin's writing tips

Top Links 317 Business still loves China's super-large market, 3 million wrecks & the political economy of the October war.

Chartbook Carbon Notes 6: China's lead in the energy transition

Top Links 316 Israel's expensive war, America's banking oligopoly, the illegal gold mining boom & India's Northeast

Top Links 315 The history of refugee camps in Gaza, Ukraine aid politics, the JP Morgan Blood Oath & authoritarianism in America

Top Links 314 29ml of water, trees for electrification, Polanyi in the classroom and the politics of rodeo

Top Links 313 Multipolar global trade, why Wall Street is having a bad time, Ethiopia's bid for the sea & "the" kitchen debate.

Top Links 312 The world economy's Wile E. Coyote moment, the Turmeric menace & how to write a brilliant essay.

Chartbook 251: Israel's national security neoliberalism put to the test

Top Links 311 What to do with Gaza's civilian population, China's stake in Europe's ports, Ultra-lithography and US bombs for Israel

Top Links 310 Investing for WW3, the Russian profit trap, Gaza's internet & the year of living dangerously

Top Links 309 RIP YCC, grain corridors for Egypt, Donbas blood mill & doing special things to special people in special palces.

Chartbook 250: The precarious stabilization of Ukraine's war economy

Top Links 308 Israeli bonds, the Gulf's weak link, China's internet & a surprising Freud

Top Link 307 African corridors, Gazan homes, examining incomes, the AI divide & Habermas

Chartbook 249: The "war in sight" scare of February 2023 & its aftermath - learning to manage the Sino-US confrontation.

Top Links 306 China's housing blues, the new S in ESG, humanity's history and Mao in the Middle East

Top Links 305 Global working time & tax havens, US in Somalia & air raid warnings in Kyiv

Top Links 304 US outperformance, Chinese crude trade, MS Satoshi & Nazi speed

Chartbook 248: "American leadership is what holds the world together." Joe Biden October 2023 ... just let that sink in.

Top Links 303 Why Bidenomics bombs, the costs of long COVID, anarchocapitalism & Adrienne Rich

Top Links 302 Green metals, bloodsports, skeletons, bonds & Critical Theory

Chartbook X Unhedged: Investing in India - a "wager on the strong"?

Top Links 301 America's creditors, measuring global inequality, Chinese woes & markets vs democracy

Chartbook 246: How America can pay for "two wars" at once.

Top Links 300 Chip wars, deglobalization, a maverick economist & Russia reorienting

Top links 299 Our economic future, China's divided cities & Hamas contained

Chartbook 245: Gaza, beyond de-development to disposability and destruction

Top Links 298 Oil in Russia and America, political banks, measuring austerity's effects & Ho Chi Minh in Paris

Chartbook X Unhedged Debating Multipolarity

Top Links 297 Hong Kong's American problem, migration's root causes, an Indian icon & border-crossing cats

Top Links 296 Ukraine's surf and turf, gun trade in the Americas, a French panic & British "sewer realism"

Chartbook 242: What is wrong in Germany? And an (interesting) correction.

Top links 295 Treasury market chaos, giant profits in food, Ethiopia's failed state-building & the EV race

Top links 294 Car debt, turning money green, gold and race, rightwing human rights & Wittgenstein's bad day

Chartbook 241 X Unhedged: The Biden Balance Sheet

Top Links 293 Getting Bharat online, grid complexity, Ghana's debt, edging out Palestine & mapping Coca Cola

Top Links 292 The World Bank's CEO lab, underpaid teachers, Mexico's gang economy and French police dogs

Top Links 291 CEO pay, Russia-China trade, the price tag of US government shutdown & the pace of climate change

Top links 290 Euro decline, green tech trade wars, histories of neoliberalism & Martin Luther King

Chartbook 240 - Carbon notes #6: America's auto strike and a century of transition in the US car industry.

Top Links 289 A broke bank & the SF Fed, deaths of despair, mapping global social mobility & the Sweezy-Schumpeter debate

Top Links 288 The LNG scramble, Cold Wars from Ukraine to Taiwan, corporate colonialism and the invention of dividends.

Top Links 287 China's hyper-capitalism, the Venezuela shock, finance for Ukraine and the world's oldest bond

Top Links 286 The Fed's bullishness, Lego's plastic problem, Kazakhstan's uranium dominance & Burckhardt’s Theory of Storms

Top Links 285 Kyrgyzstan's strange import boom, how unbanked America gets by & Alabama's human experiment

Chartbook 239 Revisiting the global banking turmoil of March 2023

Top Links 284 Who owns Deutschland AG, untouchability & when hay was king.

Top 283 Labour market cooling, how interest rate shocks impact growth, Americans abroad and Iranian drone attacks.

Top Links 282 Mexico #1, cocaine glut, how America chose chid poverty, 340 years since the siege of Vienna & Berlin's "sea shells"

Top Links 281 The collapsing college consensus, India's ambiguous geopolitics & when Goethes had Hegel to dinner.

Top Links 280 Copper frontier, stolen skulls, neo-pictorialism & allotment sauté

Chartbook 238: Making & remaking the most important market in the world. Or why everyone should read Menand and Younger on Treasuries.

Top Links 279 Japanese military spending, the monetary financing taboo, how France was driven out of the Sahel & the duration of infinity.

Top Links 278 World Bank in Turkey, the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis, (anti-)heroism science & loneliness in Germany

Top Links 277 The hispaniolan divide, Eisenhower v. Prebisch, Counterspy & how averages became normal

Top Links 276 Canada's historic fires, vampire notes, Mao's Third Front & how to close the book on the "troubles".

Chartbook 237: Whither China? Part 4: Zero-Covid myths, dynamic clearing & the Omicron crisis of 2022

Top Links 275 Chile haunted by the coup, images of the economy, the coup in Gabon & the economics of pencils

Top Links 274 State-sponsored bank profits, Europe's cocaine boom & Ferrari's ruthlessness

Top Links 273 Reflexivity, the open society, The Last Politician & the world of pencils

Chartbook 236: Russia's Long-War Economy

Top Links 272 Norway's gas network, China's cyber attacks on Japan and why big American cities have not come back.

Top Links 271 Treasury market stability, Russian uranium, the "mountain of steel" & the kingdom of golf carts

Top Links 270 Who was not at the BRICS show? How monetary policy impacts innovation and finding ancient cities with modern economic models.

Chartbook 235: Who is driving Germany's far-right poll surge?

Top Links 269 "Deficits don't matter", the world's fifth largest oil producer, Cold War liberalism and Jackson Hole's dark past

Top Links 268 Technological accidents, Subway sale, cut-price moon mission & concentration camp archaeology

Top Links 267 Mondrian, the German slowdown, Saudi trade with China, Cincinnati Badass & Swastikas over Ningbo

Top Links 266 The world of middle powers, "the project state", weaponizing the world economy & Chinese weapons in Africa

Top Links 265 Powell as politician, Ethiopian refugees on the trail to Saudi Arabia, the Treasury market & sailing on the Bosphorus express.

Chartbook 234: Whither China? Part 3: Policy hubris and the end of infallibility

Top Links 264 LatAm's mineral natural wealth, merging dinosaurs with dinosaurs, NatSec fandom & Bonnie Prince Charlie

Top Links 263 Boiling alive, ISIS coinage, Labour's American dream & what it takes to be a historian (perhaps).

Top Links 262 Economic complexity, talking to the Taliban, the history of UBI & the Hofmeister kink

Chartbook 233: Whither China? Part 2: Posen v. Pettis or "authoritarian impasse" v. "structural dead-end"

Top Links 261 Losers of the new world order, homelessness in America, shipowners & Lukács on history.

Top Links 260 The birth of hip-hop, leadership crisis at Goldman, "trimflation" & why the United States invaded Iraq

Chartbook 232: Whither China? Part 1: Authoritarian impasse?

Top Links 259 The Mississippi benchmark, China's capital flow, metastasizing gun culture & Adorno's coalition chess.

Top Links 258 China's retail investors, unfairness in Germany, neo-Nazis in Brazil, American student exchange and animal crossings

Top Links 257 Hardened shelters, bringing back doux commerce & the lead cables that are wrapped around America

Top Links 256 Australian armour, rare earth OPEC & modern weather forecasting

Top links 255 Chinese markets & US tech, Chinese whispers and TFP & the training of German lifeguards

Chartbook 231 Israel's national security neoliberalism at breaking point?

Top Links 254 Predators’ Ball, superyacht retreat, Israel's economy & Mongolian-US cooperation

Top Links 253 The Fitch downgrade, debt brake madness & how bonds ate the world.

Top Links 252 Renewable domination, Bidenomics, shrinking Miami, Victory and Dreadnought a century apart.

Top Links 251 Austerity anomaly,Chancellor Scholz on Hillbilly Elegy, guns & roses in Bulgaria & wolves in Germany

Chartbook 230 Burning Hamburg 1943 - the first culmination of liberal militarism.

Top Links 250 Social Europe, the solar surge, certainty in uncertain times & what just happened in Japan.

Top Links 249 Global renewables, class voting in Spain, urban leopards & a shrine to the social market economy

Top Links 248 UK's interest burden, Nagorno-Karabakh humanitarian crisis, India's internet blackouts and the Eritrean diaspora

Chartbook 229: America's unhappy militarism - the $886 billion bone of contention

Top Links 247 Anglo-German malaise, US CO2 decoupling, hero of heritage, Spartan myths & the Rafale club

Top Links 246 Global austerity, Chilean cybernetics & the Santiago boys, CPR's battle goes on & the art market hits a wall

Chartbook 228: Polarization - The bigger (and more familiar) problem lurking behind China's youth unemployment numbers.

Top Links 245 Global CO2, Japan's hydrogen greenwashing, globalization of Britain's university & Phoenix boiling

Top Links 244 Germany as microcosm: car industry in free fall, deflation, retiring Satan's coal, Estonia's amazing family policy & stationary heat domes

Top Links 243 The return of Nonsense Output Gaps (did they ever go away?), Europe's China deficit, Jodhpurs on the Death Star & why we need to think in trillions

Top Links 242 Renewable glut, Spain at 60 degrees, mathematical expressionism & how to beat Napoleon

Top Links 241 Aramco the Saudi giant, Kojève on ideology, Du Bois's itinerary through Europe & Vienna, capital of spies

Chartbook 227 Team transitory or team soft-landing? "Bounding reality" in the 2021-2023 inflation debate.

Top Links 240 Steel loans, German FDI worries, "Lord Global" & the Tolkiens throw a party.

Top Links 239 The NY Fed view, Starnberg think tanks, the Yellen meeting, Brad, Angelina & the Rosé wars

Chartbook 226 Membership & Money: the Vilnius NATO summit & the looming impasse over Ukrainian membership in the Western alliances.

Top Links 239 China's unit labour costs, Rwanda, Mozambique & the oil majors, Nivea's Weimar-era avant-garde & Serbian small arms

Top Links 238 America's most profitable companies, how nitrogen fertilizer feeds the world, Lenin's summer reading & the history of Norway's office lunch

Chartbook 225 Not de-escalation, or economic peace, but managed tension: Janet Yellen goes to China.

Top links 237 Wood in the world economy, Boeing v. Airbus & why we might be better off if central banks did nothing (more).

Top Links 236 Receding global capital flows, misreading industrial history, ersatz religion & the (Ford) Sierra song

Top Links 235 Europe’s China-dependence, the fate of India's quarter-billion school-children, the ghosts of WW2 airfields & forgetting as forgiveness

Chartbook 224 The Wagner uprising and the centrifugal force of war.

Top links 234 Russia under sanctions, the foreign rout in China's EV market, medieval water power & the battle of the beanfield

Top Links 233 Commodity profits, the Biden admin's campaign to bolster Brazilian democracy, India's forgotten financial crisis & magic brooms.

Top Links 232 Investing in inflationary times, US profit margins, red wine decline & the bloodiest war in the world

Chartbook 223 Acting out of ignorance: the new logic of central bank inflation-fighting.

Top Links 231 Water & oil, the fiberoptic war, Prigozhin's children's book & Goldfinger

Chartbook 222 Mood music: Talking inflation in Germany & managing the ambiguous politics of polycrisis.

Top Links 230 Hedge funds & US Treasuries, shipping profits, Iran is boiling & the Düsseldorf school.

Top Links 229 From Afghanistan to Ukraine, partisanship and inflation, the Nickel crisis & occupational endogamy

Top Links 228: Inflation at 120 percent, Mexican avocado exports, near-shoring war elephants & Dow's river.

Chartbook 221 The IRA (& the Fed) debate - bringing hegemony back in.

Top Links 227 China's reglobalization, Nvidia's tax bill, Roman climacteric & Mexico's cartel battlefields

Chartbook 220 Biden's "new industrial policy": Revolution in the making, or an exercise in defying gravity?

Top Links 226 The RV business-cycle, Fed lending, the TPP re-enactment society & North Korea's crypto heist.

Top Links 225 The cattle cycle, contamination by Swiss bankers, Saudi's wealth fund & the STD epidemic in the UK

Top Links 224 US imports from Asia without TPP, the gift of sanctions, the curse of parking & deep-sea mining

Chartbook 219 The triple inequality of the "global" climate problem.

Top Links 223 Poland's success story, heating homes with coal, New York smothered by Canada's burning forests and the Spanish strawberry crisis

Top Links 222 American dockworkers on strike, India's railway investment boom, China's grain imports & how the world ran out of pink.

Top Links 221 Unemployment & falling wages in California, a Green Marshall Plan for Ukraine, the crackdown on India's coal critics & Rotterdam before the storm of the 20th century

Top Links 220 Cancer drugs in China, roads not taken, ultra-processed food & the Seaweed manifesto

Chartbook 218: "So far from god" ... friend-shoring and the debate in Washington over whether to bomb Mexico.

Top Links 219 The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance, the triple climate inequality & the supercarrier caucus.

Chartbook 217 The inflationary surge of 2022 - trans-Altantic comparisons and European hotspots.

Top Links 218 America's fiscal pause, Poland's military spending spree, the Caspian heat wave & the reactionary militancy of car dealers

Top Links 217 Russia's brain drain, Intel's trials, France's steamy Finance Minister, slow & deserted by Ligeti

Chartbook 216: Heroic periodization: histories of Bretton Woods & the "New Washington Consensus"

Top Links 216 China's solar revolution, Erdogan's political machine, Pentagon spending & Bamana masks,

Top Links 215 Cars and globalization, the crime business, Russian arms exports & racial segregation

Top Links 214 Puerto Rican killings, European labour markets, elite closure in economics and vintage Rai

Top Links 213 Global safe assets, China's public & war over Taiwan & sleeping in society's blind spots.

Chartbook 215 Erdogan's inflation: a "Swedish" interpretation.

Top Links 212 Overbanked America, how transit died & the global "war surge" of the 2010s.

Chartbook 214 The global olive grove - How climate change is challenging Europe's olive garden

Carbon notes #5: Green hydrogen, the "gas of the future"?

Top Links #211 China's impact on US inflation, cheaper fertilizer, energy research v. gym & African regionalism.

Top Links 210 The new military-industrial complex, price-price spirals, big money in Dallas, low-modernist solar

Top Links 209 Chip war losers, data cables through Russia, Proust's trucker jacket, energy & history

Top Link 208 Europe's inflation, de-dollarization for the desperate, Pynchon book signing, Karl Marx on California

Chartbook #214: Why the 2023 banking crisis does not look like 2008, or why one run is not like another.

Top Links #207 VW's struggles in China, Bahamas shenanigans, global land reform & India's mangoes.

Top Links 206 USAID, Europe's credit crunch, worldwide space ports & Stalin's moment of truth.

Chartbook #213 Expanding the fortress: Why JP Morgan is even more important than you think!

Top Links #205 America's not-so-small banking crisis, Leontief's comeback & the global impact of sanctions.

Top Links 204 National security economics, education exports, battery dominance & the moon-rover race

Chartbook #212 The end of the petrodollar? How macroeconomics may compound geopolitics in shaping the future of the dollar system.

Top Links #203 Woeful energy R&D spending, falling real incomes, Raymond Williams & Africa and the World Bank

Top Links #202 Trillion-dollar wealth effects, EM-EM trade, "if the world were a democracy" & the Valeriepieris circle

Chartbook #211 Bucking the buck? Debating the global dollar ... again!

Top Links #201 America's remarkable recovery, Europe's massive bond losses, UBS's "badwill" & a big bet against the dollar.

Top Links 200 "Bank walk", the first CBAM, credit allocation & a dirge for John Coltrane

Chartbook #210 - The Partisans descending from their graves - Pasolini's "Victory", April 25th 1964

Top links #199 The moment of truth in China's car market, why Red districts don't want green money, talking Saudi Arabia & what to do about debt

Top Links 198 China's cheap Russian gas, the slow death of global development, silencing the past & the destruction of Berlin

Top Links #197 How wheat spread across Eurasia, the global terms of trade, decoupling, Albert Speer & the Joy of Sex

Chartbook #209 The Sudan crisis and the Sahel gold rush

Top Links 196 India overtakes China, America's $4 trillion offshore horde, ramping up repression in Myanmar and Mongolia's demographic transition.

Carbon Notes 4 From Feast to Famine: Apartheid's power bonanza and the genesis of South Africa's electricity crisis.

Top Links 195 US labour market shocks, neutrality in the financial forcefield, the coal explosion, Capitalism & Schizophrenia

Top Links 194 Diminishing debt defaults, consumption divergence, White bison & the last week of German nuclear power

Chartbook 208: "as a historian ..." - the courage of Vladimir Kara-Murza

Top Links 193 How to find your Nazi great grand-parents, robot Napoleon, the aftermath of the Adani affair & Megan Greene joins MPC

Top Links #192 Global R&D race, KwaZulu visions of the jet age, single-parenting in America & Hegel's world revolutions

Chartbook Carbon Notes #3 Four trillion dollars per annum - The shock of reality from sustainable development thinking.

Top Links 191 Barcelona 1902, black unemployment, global layoffs & foreign military bases in Africa

Carbon Note 2: The "Western" energy transitions - narcissism of small differences.

Top Links 190 The US housing market cooling, macro models, the political history of the rouble & how 1970s California created the modern world

Top Links #189 The looming rice crisis, Brahms lying in state, Vietnam's export surge & hiding from the Hueys

Chartbook 208: Global bond markets on the rack - aka Finance & the Polycrisis #11 (sic)

Top Links #188 Dylan's Napoleon, Chinese ports, Latin American remittances & North Korean oil smuggling

Top Links 187 Chinese exports in question, fewer sharks & America's crisis of "young deaths".

Chartbook 207 Finance & the Polycrisis #10: The trillion-dollar rebalancing: A new macrofinancial conjuncture?

Top links 186 Oil & power, the risk of spills & the dollar's imperial circle

Top links 185 America's declining life expectancy, China's solar surge & how Carbonara vindicates Eric Hobsbawm

Chartbook 206: The attack on the Center for Policy Research, India's leading policy research institution.

Top Links 184 Bank crises, venture debt, election-watching & socialist murals on Nazi buildings.

Chartbook 205: Does Ukraine's war economy have a new platform in 2023?

Top links 183 Indonesian modernism, sunflower stabilization, commercial real estate & what America cooks with

Chartbook 204: Iraq's economic impasse twenty years after the invasion.

Top links 182 European defense spending, Africa's multi-speed demographics & would you work in Germany?

Top Links 181 Mortgage pressure, the domestication of the American garage, the global cereal market & Siberian power

Top Links 180 Worries about commercial real estate, killer fungus, Swiss machines & the rise of Texas

Top links 179 Repurposed hardware, the global capex slump, academic hierarchies & Alpine poverty

Chartbook #203 Finance & the polycrisis #9 Banking crises, states of exception & the disappointment of sovereignty - a roundup of last week.

Top links 178 Divisions over Ukraine, China's migrants, South China Sea Cables & Chartbook errata

Chartbook #202 What went wrong at Credit Suisse? The Swiss roots of the debacle.

Top Links 177 Banking rot, Aukus on the move & what Russia's liberals learned from Pinochet

Top Links 176 Financial conditions, photographing Apartheid, what America left in Afghanistan & Britain's Brasilia

Chartbook #201 Finance & the polycrisis #8 Venture dominance? The meaning of the SBV interventions.

Top Links 175 The thing we aren't calling a bailout, other banks & how German and Japanese debt seem like a safe haven plus modeling Pearl Harbor

Top links 174 Chinese manufacturing dominance, the slave-trade & the industrial revolution, Yuan Shikai remembered & anti-fascist footballers

Chartbook #200 Finance and the polycrisis #7 Something Broke! The Silicon Valley Bank Failure - How tech hubris and low interest rates combined to produce a big mess.

Top Links 173 The global funding crunch, rebels in the Congo, US high-tech investment & Dutch bikes

Chartbook #199 How Putin's war dawned on Washington

Top Links 172 Global obesity, the ECB's cartoonish anti-inflationism & Baghdad's clogged traffic

Top Links 171 North Korean GDP, Germany's broken rental market & copper worlds

Chartbook - Carbon Notes #1: Repowering the world - the challenge of electrification

Top Links #170: Repudiating Russia's reserves, disaggregating inflation & industrializing India

Top links #169 Chinese growth, maternal mortality, the real estate crunch & the history of Japanese feminism.

Top Links 168 Surging Chinese car exports, Indo-Pacific geopolitics, American mental health and the mystery of Russia's reserves.

Top links 167 Global credit booms, the French baby bust, China's dwindling farm land & the best books on spying.

Chartbook #198 Globalization: The shifting patchwork

Chartbook #197: The Ukraine-Aid Reality Gap

Top Links #166 Rethinking the Fed, the CO2 in cut flowers & the withering of Françafrique

Top Links #165 Chaplin on the gold standard, North Korea's dapper cabinet, the value of a Russian life & NASA's art program

Chartbook #196 The Closing of the Cocoa Frontier

Top Links 164 America's weird mortgage market, Nigeria's well #1, the Taliban in power and human composting in Seattle.

Top Links 163 Political central bankers, ancient sociology, markups & the Asian tourism slump

Top Links 162 Russian chip imports, Okinawan brutalism, yield-curve inversion & lost children.

Chartbook #195: How to pay for Putin's war?Russia's technocrats torn between defense of the austerity status quo and national mobilization.

Top links #161 Be patient, the sun is rising in the East ... long & variable lags & what central banks are for.

Top Links 160 Expert masks, the geopolitics of the earthquake zone & what is left of One Belt One Road?

Chartbook #194 Can Beijing halt China's housing avalanche? The most important economic-policy question for 2023?

Top Links 159 The ones trying to grow, ETF explosion, the military-industrial complex and the last 747

Chartbook #193 Indian nation-building, Modi and the Adani crisis

Top Links 158 Slowbalization, "newbalization", French contradictions & Mussolini's Rome as seen by Carrie Mae Weems

Chartbook #192 On deglobalisation and polycrisis

Top links 157 Maximalism - the art of polycrisis, Subprime Sachs & the China inflation shock

Top Links 156 German recession, Thatcher on Fukuyama, Indonesian hot rods & Philippines booming

Chartbook #191 Tanks for Ukraine

Chartbook #190: The Adani crisis - is Modi's house of cards at risk?

Top links 155 Singaporean realism, carbon-free Texas & the Bathysphere

Chartbook 189 The ECB's inflation dilemma.

Top Links 154 Grim art, the BoJ's last stand, Ukrainian refugees and the border-industrial complex

Top Links 153 Lebanese inflation, Iwo Jima, how the Netherlands grew, Pierre Bourdieu and peak gasoline

Chartbook #188 Archipelago capitalism, the Bahamas and FTX

Top Links 152 Wagner group's co-working space, how the Fed got a dual mandate & the open sewer of the Bronx

Chartbook #187: MLK's economic radicalism & the strange birth of the Fed's dual mandate

Top Links 151: Remapping the world, investing in German armaments, young American deaths & the iPhone-industrial complex

Top links 150 Shale subsidies, Poland's golden age, China's steel & the genius of Antiguan Frank Walter

Top links 149 Microregions that drive global growth, America's credit boom & rebel dogs

Top links 148 When America defaulted, Pakistan's crisis & Raiders of the Lost Ark

Top Links #147 Clash of chip titans, Nokia risk, deciphering the Nazi war economy & the tyrannical concept of feudalism

Chartbook #186 Solicitous dictatorship. The political economy of authoritarianism - Aly v. Tooze revisited.

Top Links #146 I gotta feeling, deunionization USA, Enrico Mattei's ENI in Africa & the world's nuclear arsenal

Top Links #145 America's government-backed mortgage system, the Irish mafia and the "Mama of Dada"

Chartbook #185 Inflation and distributional conflict - in 2023 not 1973! Also a response to the debate around that Blanchard thread.

Top Links #144 Indonesian expressionism, US manufacturing, McLuhan on nostalgia & remembering 1917 in 2017

Top Links 143 Grace Jones, Russian chips, oil profits & Egypt's infinite economic crisis