Sitemap - 2021 - Chartbook

Top Links 45: IMF in Argentina, Space Race, Night Bombers

Chartbook #64: Energy crisis 2021 - the China shock

Top Links #44: Clean Steel, Fine Claret and Dancing Bear

Chartbook #63: Turkey's financial crisis

Top links 43: trans-Atlantic anti-trust, the history of the piano & a magic carpet

Chartbook #62: Once a giant: the decline of the Bundesbank - Or, who is Joachim Nagel and will it matter?

Chartbook #61: Update - RIP a climate revolution in fiscal policy?

Chartbook #61 RIP: A climate revolution in fiscal policy?

Top links 42 Blue two ways, Marx's cigars, the secret history of Monopoly, Eric Dolphy playing Ellington & the bitter legacy of Battleship Island

Chartbook #60: Books we read in International and Global History HistGR8930

Top Links # 41: "Fed day isolator", Elon Musk, James Baldwin & Indian peasants.

Chartbook #59: Inflation expectations, wage-price spirals, common factors and more.

Chartbook #58: More reading on WWI

Chartbook #57: 1914, the Urkatastrophe of the 20th century

Top Links #40: Black tears, Tora! Tora! Tora! and Norman Lewis.

Top Links # 39: Pearl Harbor, Carlyle's hands and wolves in Germany

Chartbook #56: The West Asian Polycrisis - From Afghanistan to Lebanon

Top Links #38 Merkel's farewell, BRI, ECB on inequality & peacock fans.

Top Links #37 Arms dealers, Kazakh crypto & Max Ernst

Chartbook #55: BRICs twenty years on

Top links # 36: Holbein, Raymond Aron, John Reed and the Stability and Growth Pact

Chartbook #54 (updated): Germany's New Government - "Dare more Progress"

Top Links #35 Bonnard, the Tesla-financial complex & Metabolism

Chartbook #53 The history of the Havanese - Accompanying Ones and Tooze

Top links 34: Rittenhouse, Karpov v. Kasparov & The China Shock

Top Links #33

#52: Chartbook's 1st Birthday 2020-2021

Top Links 32: Tank factories, Mick Jagger, 1821 and Michael Jordan's sneakers

Ones & Tooze: electric vehicle charging and the economics of death.

Chartbook #51: Explaining the energy dilemma of 2021- the 2014 shock and the global energy business.

Chartbook #50: Andreas Malm and ecological Leninism

Ones and Tooze on the bond market turmoil and Carney's trillions

Top Links 31: Ever Given, Medieval Monetary Policy and Feminist Pop

Chartbook #49: Global bond market turmoil 2021 - an explainer.

Top links 30: COP26, Coltrane, Yellen & Bono

Chartbook #48: The first climate Kalecki moment - the politics of energy crisis talk

Top Links #29: Kornai RIP, Top Shop and Berlin Metro.

Ones and Tooze: the COP edition

Chartbook Top Links #28: Angela Merkel's adieu, Meng Wanzhou returns and the EU and Poland are in crisis.

Chartbook #47: Crisis Talk - Global Food Prices

Ones and Tooze: Inflation, pasta and Maultaschen

Top Links #27 Yale's Grand Strategy Program, 5000 years of interest rates & fascist wine

Chartbook #46: West Virginia - the historic roadblock to US climate policy.

Top Links #26: The last of the resistance veterans. Soy beans are moving. Boudica and Perry Anderson.

Chartbook #45: Of Scarface & the Nobel - The Double Life of Mariel

Chartbook #44: The Cross of Gold - populism, democratic iterations and the politics of money

Chartbook #43: An IMF-Crisis Made in America

The crisis at the IMF - the latest episode of Ones and Tooze is up!

Top Links #25 - Haiti compared, the lessons of Occupy, the Nuremberg Tribunal and Buster Keaton

Chartbook #42 - The Great Inflation Debate

Top links 24: Strike wave USA, Glenn Gould and Ballardianism

Chartbook Audio #7: Ones and Tooze on the German election

Chartbook #41: The interlocking crises that will shape the future of Biden Presidency

Chartbook Top Links #23: The Scholz campaign, the deathless B52 and the Soviet gold standard

Chartbook #40 Newsflash: German election beyond the headlines.

Chartbook Top Links #22: A remarkable speech at the UN, revolutionaries depart, the Fed and 2013 and much more.

Chartbook #39: Blackstone and baby formula - more tremors in the nexus of big money and China's state capitalism.

Chartbook Audio #6: Ones and Tooze for your weekend

Chartbook on Shutdown #4 - Neither Chernobyl Nor Lehman

Adam Tooze's Top Links: Is Evergrande "China's Lehman moment"? (#21)

Chartbook #38: German election

Chartbook Audio: Launching Ones and Tooze

Top Links #20 Commercial Capitalism, mapping global urbanism and Bauhaus birthday cake.

Chartbook #37: How to escape shock therapy - writing the history of China, the Soviet Union and Eurasia's great divergence

Chartbook Top Links #19

Chartbook #36 After Afghanistan: No Post-American world

Top Links #18: Renoir, 9/11 and the First Sea Lord

Chartbook Video #4: Talking COVID and geopolitics with Bruno Macaes and Sophia Gaston

Chartbook on Shutdown #3: Why does the World Bank care about its bond rating?

Chartbook Top Links #17 Jackson Hole, disasters and mortgages and a blimp in Kandahar.

Chartbook Audio #5: China Talk - Labor Day Holiday Listening

Chartbook on Shutdown #2: Writing in medias res

Chartbook Top Link #16 The Afghan evacuation, the red scare in Germany and inventor crazybrains.

Chartbook Video #3: Bruegel panel with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Sabine Weyand and Hélène Rey.

Chartbook on Shutdown: Keynes and why we can afford anything we can do.

Chartbook Top Links #15

Chartbook #35: It's not the fall that kills you .... Afghanistan's looming triple crisis

Adam Tooze Chartbook Top Links #14

Chartbook Audio #4: Nazi-Soviet Pact

Chartbook Audio #3: China edition

Chartbook #34 How we paid for the War on Terror

Top Links #13 Financing Afghanistan's new regime and the struggle over its national exchange reserve.

Chartbook #33: From Afghanistan to Haiti

Top Links #12 Afghanistan

Top Links # 11 Afghanistan, Atwood, Communist money

Chartbook #32 Biden's foreign policy for the middle class, climate and OPEC

Adam Tooze Top Links #10 Raising the heat on climate policy ... plus a bunch of other great stuff

Chartbook Audio #2 - Talking history with Jordan Schneider and Matt Klein

Adam Tooze's Chartbook Top Links #9

Adam Tooze Chartbook #31 The Mirage of Carbon Markets?

Chartbook Audio #1 - 2019 FT Alphachat with Mark Blyth and Brendan Greeley

Top Links #8 from Adam Tooze's Chartbook

Adam Tooze's Chartbook #30: Back to Afghanistan - the horror of the 1980s and the long recovery

Adam Tooze Top Links #7

Chartbook Top Links #6

Adam Tooze's Chartbook #29: Afghanistan's economy on the eve of the American exit.

Chartbook Video #2 Talking about Wages of Destruction

Adam Tooze Chartbook Top Links #5

Chartbook Video #1: 150th anniversary of German unification - a talk.

Top Links for Chartbook by Adam Tooze # 4

Adam Tooze's Chartbook #28: China in 1983, a miracle waiting to happen?

Top Links #2 Reading suggestions from Adam Tooze

Chartbook Top Links #1

Chartbook Newsletter #27 Gilets Jaunes

Chartbook's New Era: Pitching in

Chartbook Newsletter #26

Chartbook Newsletter #25

Chartbook Newsletter #24

Chartbook Newsletter #23

Chartbook Newsletter #22

Chartbook Newsletter #21 Reading Grossman's Stalingrad and Life and Fate

Chartbook Newsletter #20

Chartbook Newsletter #19

Chartbook Newsletter #18

Chartbook Newsletter #17

Chartbook Newsletter #16

Chartbook Newsletter #15

Chartbook Newsletter #14

Chartbook Newsletter # 13

Chartbook Newsletter # 12