In terms of the AfD being a threat to democracy, I have not followed their statements closely but also regard banning political parties garnering 30%+ of the vote in various states as undemocratic (I am not straw manning here since that has been discussed in Germany).

I also suspect that the AfD would be much less of a threat to democracy than Macron has been to France considering he nominated a Prime Minister from a party that received than 5% of the votes in the most recent election.

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We keep hearing that the AgD is a "threat to democracy" but nobody tells us why that might be.

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And they ignore the extremely un-democratic power grab by Ursula von der Leyen - even the media, normally very pro EU is sounding the alarm over this. This means her, not governments, are driving EUs foreign policy

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The AfD position on mass immigration is similar to that of the CDU/CSU in the 1980s. Hardly anything worthy of the empty spook term, ‘far-right.’ AfD should form a coalition with Wagenknecht’s party. Left and Right Populists against the corrupt political class and their consensus.

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At the moment she has ruled that out but I can see it changing

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A very interesting read, I don't really pay much attention to political parties that aren't in my own country, after reading this I think maybe I should.

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It is interesting to see an increase in voter turnout powering AfD electoral success as somehow "a threat to democracy." The aristocratic urge to sneer at the demos is never very far from the surface, is it?

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