The AfD position on mass immigration is similar to that of the CDU/CSU in the 1980s. Hardly anything worthy of the empty spook term, ‘far-right.’ AfD should form a coalition with Wagenknecht’s party. Left and Right Populists against the corrupt political class and their consensus.
The AfD position on mass immigration is similar to that of the CDU/CSU in the 1980s. Hardly anything worthy of the empty spook term, ‘far-right.’ AfD should form a coalition with Wagenknecht’s party. Left and Right Populists against the corrupt political class and their consensus.
The AfD position on mass immigration is similar to that of the CDU/CSU in the 1980s. Hardly anything worthy of the empty spook term, ‘far-right.’ AfD should form a coalition with Wagenknecht’s party. Left and Right Populists against the corrupt political class and their consensus.
At the moment she has ruled that out but I can see it changing