Such fascinating information, Sir. I am definitely enlightened by your offerings. And The ART! It seems, however, that while humans simultaneously and delusionally consider themselves masters of the universe, they are, as a species, totally incapable of learning from history of any kind. Rinse. Repeat.
Such fascinating information, Sir. I am definitely enlightened by your offerings. And The ART! It seems, however, that while humans simultaneously and delusionally consider themselves masters of the universe, they are, as a species, totally incapable of learning from history of any kind. Rinse. Repeat.
Such fascinating information, Sir. I am definitely enlightened by your offerings. And The ART! It seems, however, that while humans simultaneously and delusionally consider themselves masters of the universe, they are, as a species, totally incapable of learning from history of any kind. Rinse. Repeat.