"The vaccinations for COVID freed us from the impasse of the lockdown and social distancing - they were the magic bullet that “made it stop”."

So, the government forced small businesses, churches, restaurants , beaches, outdoor basketball courts to close, but liquor stores and Walmart could remain open (and of course Antifa demonstrations were fine); masks were required; social distancing required, which assumed the virus was spread by "droplets" - and those vaccinations "made it stop"?!

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Wondering if you can see the difference between a liquor store and a restaurant in terms of potential for spreading infectious respiratory diseases? Don't rush to answer, think on it for a minute or two.

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ah! I see your point; the restaurants I'm thinking of are outdoors; liquor stores are (at least those I am aware of) indoors; because covid is spread atmospherically - like smoke - so the danger would accumulate. I might add that were all of this simply the usual govt incompetence, one would see some successes, some failures. The covid responses were 100% diametrically opposite those of a normal health emergency response. Good suggestion - think on it a bit.

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So we agree that there's a legitimate reason to treat restaurants more strictly than liquor stores? Great, glad to hear it.

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Reading "The vaccinations for COVID freed us from the impasse of the lockdown and social distancing - they were the magic bullet that “made it stop”. is LOL funny

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With greater vaccinations, we were able to make fewer restrictions on the things people can do and still reduce viral transmission. Sorry if the longer version isn't LOL funny.

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1. Thanks so much for making this case. You are doing a public service.

2. I find the "polycrisis" frame distracting.

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It’ll be two decades before a new generation accepts that a vaccine might be safe…

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Well, I think most people now accept that the Covid vaccine is safe, if you judge by the number of people who took it. But the people who falsely claim it isn't safe do make a LOT more noise.

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Experimental genetic therapies are not vaccines.

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Do you think taking the Covid vaccine alters your genetics in some way? Otherwise not understanding your comment, sorry.

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Vaccine development, like health care generally, is obstructed because public policy-making has been captured by the same interests that have privatized the world’s resources. (It’s been said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism.) We need a “robust” public sector with the means and the mandate to optimize our standard of living.

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Most readers who comment seem to be the loudest voices in the US and Canada, and Europe, though they are being shut down: those are the voices of people who associate socialism with the endless Welfare inner city crime-ridden state, and who associate Davos men and women with Bullwinkle and fine feathered friends from other cartoons. Globalists with power have to concern themselves with pandemics, apart from morality. Their existence, their IDENTITIES, personal and private, depends on it.

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"Globalists with power have to concern themselves with pandemics..."

Personally, I was concerned about all the dead people, and the refrigerated trucks being used as morgues outside of hospitals, those both seemed like legitimate causes of concern, but even if I'm a "globalist" I don't have much power.

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Got 6 minutes?

Calley Means speaks eloquently and convincingly from 42 to 48 mins


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Not for anti-vax nonsense, I don't. Also kennedy24, LOL.

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People have the right to choose their own health choices. The COVID-19 vaccine was never safe or never effective. People were forced to take the vaccination and when they had vaccine injuries were left on their own. No support from government or the drug companies the manufacture, the vaccines. Up until Covid. I had most of the recommended vaccinations. From now on, I’ll never take another one. The companies making the vaccinations have no liability for any injury or death. Who knows where the vaccines are made or what quality controls they were using. Vaccines are mostly about making money. For me I’m done. No more vaccinations.

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At least a couple hundred million people in the US got the Covid vaccine, if there was any significant percentage who had bad side effects, wouldn't that be tens of millions of people sick from the vaccine? Where are they?

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Check the VAERS database for the US or the Yellow Card system here in the UK. Those figures are only the tip of the ice berg. Or check with Ed Dowd the ex-Black Rock fund manager writer of Cause Unknown and man behind Phinance Technologies.

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If you’re truly interested in learning the reality of the COVID vaccine rollout look at the work done by Steve Kirsch. He’s on Substack. His newsletter. https://kirschsubstack.com/subscribe?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=email-subscribe&r=f8n3e&next=https%3A%2F%2Fkirschsubstack.com%2Fp%2Fimportant-new-survey&utm_medium=email.

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The vaccine works on DNA similarly to how the spikey virus does. Remember they were so rhrilled - Walter Isaacson was most articulate about this, on Amanpour & Co.

The more of these immune system disrupting vaccines you get, the more dire the effects on your body. A LOT of heart and blood consequences being recorded now - a high performance athlete is even more vulnerabke due to their high powered heart. People dying around the world as recorded by NYU Prof on his Substack. Numbers ramping up - death certs: no known cause. Funeral home directors risking soeaking up about strange blood clots in cadavers - worldwide.

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More than a billion people worldwide have gotten a Covid shot, if there were significant complications, that's tens of millions of people -are they all dead and hidden in a mass grave somewhere?


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"...the pathogenesis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination-associated myocarditis (C-VAM) are based on the activation of the innate- and adaptive immune system against a susceptible immune-genetic background, including the recognition of mRNA as an antigen by the immune system, molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and cardiac tissue antigens and inflammatory sex-hormone signalling."

The more we vaccinate, the more the viruses mutate and strengthen. Did vaccines prevent transmission? Data seems to lean toward "no". Did it save lives? Old sick people died from Covid, vaccinated and unvaccinated. Who is making what claims and what is their history? What is the good, the bad and the ugly of global institutions and why is the dark side kept in the dark? You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to ask questions - just an independent investigator, historian, journalist, critical independent thinker over time, over decades.

The political ugly around Fauci gets pretty thick.

People like Adam Tooze are in an ivory tower. They can safely plot whatever grabs our attention without ever having to get into the weeds or the muck. Medical doctors who are no longer young and who see what has been happening in our sewer of a medical system, doctors who work for themselves (as obviously the younger ones cannot afford to), are probably the Americans with the most skeptical eye toward the grandiose claims of Big Pharma/Media and global superpowers. Absolute power corrupts absolutely - Lord Acton,

British Historian of late 19th early 20th c

Mother Nature is tricky to absolutely control but greed, dishonest manipulation and distortions are absolutely human characteristics.

"Political Ponerology" is a thought provoking Substack with live lectures and discussions of the work of the Andrzej Łobaczewski


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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

"The more we vaccinate, the more the viruses mutate and strengthen."

Nonsense. Evolution is a thing that happens whether we make vaccines or not. In fact, the viruses have more of an opportunity to mutate and evolve when people don't get vaccinated, because that means more hosts for the virus.

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Let's say 200 million people in the US got the Covid vaccine, that's a conservative estimate. Say 1% had some complication, that's 2 million people, right? Where are they?

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The Art of Medicine as practiced by licensed professionals after years or decades of established practice: they go underground to see answers to puzzles. My grasp of things as someone who has needed and greatly benefited from their insights over a lifetime:

DNA replication creates cancer cells in a normal course of life, and the body's immune system eliminated these cancer cells as a normal bio process. Some people whose stories are posted here have loved ones who acquired turbo cancer (violently aggressive) following the Covid vaccines and or boosters. The vaccine disrupts the immune system's intelligence as it overloads the multiple complex processes. While family members grieve their losses publicly and the incredibly stupid handling of cancer cases (in parts of US not near major cities like NYC), I believe it makes sense that the cancer death victim's body was coping with advanced age until a tipping point triggered by the disruption caused by fking with their immune system. . . Similar events with blood clots in young deceased healthy victims discovered by funeral directors world wide.

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Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: 'after this, therefore because of this') is an informal fallacy that states: "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X."

Example: Bob got the Covid vaccine, later he got cancer. Therefore the Covid vaccine CAUSED Bob's cancer.


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Sigh. Again, more than a BILLION people have gotten some kind of MRNA Covid vaccine over the past THREE YEARS. If there were significant rates of complication, we're talking about TENS OF MILLIONS of people with severe symptoms, something every doctor and every public health agency in the world would be talking about.

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It doesn't have to be tens of millions of significant problems, much less than that number wouldn't you agree if the disruption to DNA and to the immune system triggers Turbo cancer, heart failure or the succumbing to other deadly infectious agents by young healthy people. How many people would YOU sacrifice for a pushed trial of vaccines for which we won't know for years how many lives were saved, if any

Whom do YOU trust?

Here are the people that apparently you do trust:


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Surprising how many anti-vaxxers and COVID denialists/truthers apparently read Chartbook.

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Really something, innit? Climate denialists, Russia apologists, anti-vaxxers, AT gets 'em all!

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Only in an attempt to understand what motivates the useful idiots to push mass vaccination of a dangerous experimental vaccine for a disease with a similar fatality rate as Influenza.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Yes, "Dangerous experimental vaccine" that was first tested on tens of thousands of people and has now been given to hundreds of millions of people who are all walking around suffering no apparent ill effects from it.

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Don’t take my word for it, check with all the uncorrupted independently minded doctors (like Dr Tess Lawrie) professors and investigative reporters out there. Or are you happy just parrot the mainstream corrupted media and governments? We understand your fear. We were all subjected to military grade propaganda and about a non pandemic in order to get us unto a biometric digital health ID system - ‘one ring to bind them all.’

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The vaccine's been in use for three years, a billion people have gotten some form of MRNA Covid vaccine. And the evidence that it's killing people in massive numbers is... some guy's Substack.

You say "mainstream corrupted media and governments" but what about doctors? Are they all in on the coverup?

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The case is made for applying the Mission Economy approach to the development of vaccines.

Important though to ensure a public return for public investment, not the corporate welfare to big pharma that currently occurs.

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Isn't the public benefit fewer sick people? Sure, I'd be thrilled if all the production was done by government-owned vaccine factories, but even if it's done by for-profit companies the public still benefits from improved public health.

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Three issues with relying on for profit companies aka big pharma are (a) less likely to undertake basic research, rely on the public sector for that, (b) less likely to develop and market the full range of vaccines, more likely to only concentrate on the vaccines required by wealthier people (consider, for example, how covid vaccines were mainly available in the developed world, and (c) their pricing method is not related to the cost of production (aka a competition model) but to how desperate people are for the cure (the extortion model).

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I agree with all of this.

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The fault lies with the CDC and the FDA. Until these agencies are reinvented and realigned the problems and the mistrust will remain in place. There needs to be one agency for things medical, and another for the food supply. Mixing the two together is absurd. Location of the CDC made sense when its purpose was to fight malaria, but is senseless now. What scientist of any merit would agree to live and work in Georgia?

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Do you wonder why the genetic vaccines got approved so quickly? Do you wonder how the authorities can be so sure that they are 'safe and effective' without a placebo group and long term studies? Well, the truth is they can't and they are not. I worked as a Consultant to the W.H.O since 2012. Effective, safe and inexpensive treatments and preventive measures for COVID were always, and are still, available.

Readers may find this short video helpful. It contains recorded excerpts of a meeting I had with the W.H.O. Consultant tasked with reviewing the evidence on ivermectin, one of the cheap, generic medicines, on the Jan 18, 2021. I trust it will be illuminating for those pondering these questions and more...


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COVID-19 'vaccines' are gene therapies. Best to educate yourself on how they 'work' before investing in an industry that will make you and your children sickly and infertile. Do your own research. Ignorance kills (you too).




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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Taking the vaccine does not alter your genetics.


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"We were lucky that later variants of COVID were less lethal than they were"

I think you meant to write "We were lucky that later variants of COVID were less lethal than they could have been", or something similar.

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"It is an open question whether the impact of the (ice melt, fires, storm damage, etc.) will fundamentally shift that understanding, causing rich countries to deeply understand (their own risk plus what hits them via borders, terror, diseases, etc. and be) more desperate and (and finally willing) to pool their resources and commitment with global endeavors." Just a "yes, and" for an important essay…

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A useful analysis. I would note that a "vax only" approach cannot work against respiratory viruses with vaccines which are not sterilizing -- some consideration of NPI's (non-pharmaceutical interventions) must also be included, along with robust testing regimens which aren't suborned by governments reluctant to publish infection rates, otherwise the virus continues to mutate in reservoirs of infection that never go low enough to eradicate the threat.

Some consideration of distributed manufacture of personal protective materials, vaccines and treatment drugs will also be necessary to avoid balkanization of response to what are now inevitably global threats in an era of mass air travel.

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I been thinking the UK should fund Pfizer and/or Moderna to setup a factory in the UK to produce government funded livestock vaccine to help UK farming with the understanding the factory would switch to human vaccines in an emergency.

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A vaccine for bird flu would be helpful. Not only to block a repository for flu virus that could mutate to infect people, but also just to keep the price of eggs down.

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