Your prozody with invectives is fascinating in its fluidity, but besides that you do not add anything of substance, beside old tropes about the evil communism/totalitarianism. Which is standing on a lot of clouds, since no westerner had access to "vital statistics" data during those times and places.
Your prozody with invectives is fascinating in its fluidity, but besides that you do not add anything of substance, beside old tropes about the evil communism/totalitarianism. Which is standing on a lot of clouds, since no westerner had access to "vital statistics" data during those times and places.
The civil war in Russia led to lots of people dying, and if I take Mike Duncan's analysis, it looked like the Bolsheviks had something more to offer to the population than the old regime, so they emerged on top. Drought did more after. Same way the blight, and the "liberal" ideology and the feeling of racial superiority of the Englished led to millions dying and emigrating from Ireland. More millions died under the good eye of the Brits in India as well:
You are a willing carrier of water of systems that in fact are full fledged oligarchies/plutocracies, and I prefer the alliance between tyranny & demos to full fledged plutocracy or what the UK has, an alliance between oligarchy and monarchy. Magna Carta was written for the lords only.
The corruption of US plutocracy has been properly described and analyzed by researchers and there is no denial of this fact - "democracy" there is just a circus. Zephyr Teachout has a full volume on American corruption, which pervades every oligarchic network, fully intertwined with the state aparatus. And calculations have been made on premature deaths in the US due to lack of medical care, etc, etc, etc, numbers that would thwart anything Stalin and Mao have done.
You forgot to mention that Pol Pot was supported by both the US and the Chinese and it was another communist country that took him out. I bet you and him would have gotten along handsomly...
Your prozody with invectives is fascinating in its fluidity, but besides that you do not add anything of substance, beside old tropes about the evil communism/totalitarianism. Which is standing on a lot of clouds, since no westerner had access to "vital statistics" data during those times and places.
The civil war in Russia led to lots of people dying, and if I take Mike Duncan's analysis, it looked like the Bolsheviks had something more to offer to the population than the old regime, so they emerged on top. Drought did more after. Same way the blight, and the "liberal" ideology and the feeling of racial superiority of the Englished led to millions dying and emigrating from Ireland. More millions died under the good eye of the Brits in India as well:
You are a willing carrier of water of systems that in fact are full fledged oligarchies/plutocracies, and I prefer the alliance between tyranny & demos to full fledged plutocracy or what the UK has, an alliance between oligarchy and monarchy. Magna Carta was written for the lords only.
The corruption of US plutocracy has been properly described and analyzed by researchers and there is no denial of this fact - "democracy" there is just a circus. Zephyr Teachout has a full volume on American corruption, which pervades every oligarchic network, fully intertwined with the state aparatus. And calculations have been made on premature deaths in the US due to lack of medical care, etc, etc, etc, numbers that would thwart anything Stalin and Mao have done.
You forgot to mention that Pol Pot was supported by both the US and the Chinese and it was another communist country that took him out. I bet you and him would have gotten along handsomly...
And while the Chinese have no problem fighting against corruption, that is impossible in the US:
So go and spew your bile and venom and impotence wherever you want, it only
reinforces the perception of you being unhinged.