Sweet gentleman, i'll let you in on a huge secret here! You see, without the ratification of any document, signed by the president, prime-minister, supreme leader or the master of the universe, by the parliament of the signatory state, said document isn't worth the paper it was written on. And now the funniest part: the only country's pa…
Sweet gentleman, i'll let you in on a huge secret here! You see, without the ratification of any document, signed by the president, prime-minister, supreme leader or the master of the universe, by the parliament of the signatory state, said document isn't worth the paper it was written on. And now the funniest part: the only country's parliament that did ratify this pretty controversial and non-binding agreement, was that of the Russian Federation! Although, seeing that no one gives a damn about it, even ukrainians, they've rescinded on this rash deed some time later.
Moreover, i should remind you, that there is another, absolutely same agreement, signed in the same day and in the same place by the already involved "big" countries with.. Belarus! And the agreement, just like the one with the Ukraine, proclaims that unilateral sanctions are.. Well.. Kinda bad. As you well remember, the Us has imposed them in mid 00's, saying in its excuse that the agreement is non-binding and, in any case whatsoever, they're imposing restrictions on the people of Belarus specifically for the good of the people of Belarus and blahblah. Question: do you remember any ukrainian official say anything in protest or even to just appeal to the signatories, to anyone, really, to revise or the unratified non-binding agreement? Well i sure don't!
So what do you want now, after all of this and much more, like Kosovo, has been done?
Sweet gentleman, i'll let you in on a huge secret here! You see, without the ratification of any document, signed by the president, prime-minister, supreme leader or the master of the universe, by the parliament of the signatory state, said document isn't worth the paper it was written on. And now the funniest part: the only country's parliament that did ratify this pretty controversial and non-binding agreement, was that of the Russian Federation! Although, seeing that no one gives a damn about it, even ukrainians, they've rescinded on this rash deed some time later.
Moreover, i should remind you, that there is another, absolutely same agreement, signed in the same day and in the same place by the already involved "big" countries with.. Belarus! And the agreement, just like the one with the Ukraine, proclaims that unilateral sanctions are.. Well.. Kinda bad. As you well remember, the Us has imposed them in mid 00's, saying in its excuse that the agreement is non-binding and, in any case whatsoever, they're imposing restrictions on the people of Belarus specifically for the good of the people of Belarus and blahblah. Question: do you remember any ukrainian official say anything in protest or even to just appeal to the signatories, to anyone, really, to revise or the unratified non-binding agreement? Well i sure don't!
So what do you want now, after all of this and much more, like Kosovo, has been done?