If things were so hunky-dory in Ukraine, probably it would not have lost 7-8 million people in last 30 years. Poles work in UK or Germany, Ukrainians for one third of that money in Poland, and people from Middle East for 1/3 of that in Ukraine. The wonders of globalization! Pretty much everybody miserable to be forced to leave their coun…
If things were so hunky-dory in Ukraine, probably it would not have lost 7-8 million people in last 30 years. Poles work in UK or Germany, Ukrainians for one third of that money in Poland, and people from Middle East for 1/3 of that in Ukraine. The wonders of globalization! Pretty much everybody miserable to be forced to leave their country, or seeing their country changed through immigration, but definitely amazing for 1% elites in UK, Poland or Ukraine.
At some point the people in Ukraine will have to wake up and realize that the promises of EU membership they have been sold on will never materialize. First, the EU itself is either in stasis or already started in process of disintegration. Second, there is simply no funds EU could find to support a country of 40+ million - it is like admitting Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia all at once - all of these countries would suddenly (plus many others) from EU fund recipients become EU fund contributors. The political class in 10+ EU countries stays mostly in power because they are able to "bring home pork", and they would be seriously challenged and destabilized if that would no longer be possible. Finally, such a big country with so many "votes" would completely wipe out the ruling German-French axis in the EU. Even having Poland in is a trouble, with Poland and Ukraine both in EU, the existing power structure would change and there is no way whoever is in charge in Berlin or Paris will allow that.
If things were so hunky-dory in Ukraine, probably it would not have lost 7-8 million people in last 30 years. Poles work in UK or Germany, Ukrainians for one third of that money in Poland, and people from Middle East for 1/3 of that in Ukraine. The wonders of globalization! Pretty much everybody miserable to be forced to leave their country, or seeing their country changed through immigration, but definitely amazing for 1% elites in UK, Poland or Ukraine.
At some point the people in Ukraine will have to wake up and realize that the promises of EU membership they have been sold on will never materialize. First, the EU itself is either in stasis or already started in process of disintegration. Second, there is simply no funds EU could find to support a country of 40+ million - it is like admitting Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia all at once - all of these countries would suddenly (plus many others) from EU fund recipients become EU fund contributors. The political class in 10+ EU countries stays mostly in power because they are able to "bring home pork", and they would be seriously challenged and destabilized if that would no longer be possible. Finally, such a big country with so many "votes" would completely wipe out the ruling German-French axis in the EU. Even having Poland in is a trouble, with Poland and Ukraine both in EU, the existing power structure would change and there is no way whoever is in charge in Berlin or Paris will allow that.