You know as well as everyone that manipulating markets in order to punish a single person (Putin) is going to hit millions of others in the pocketbook around the globe, not just those sinister "Russians" that you liberal-types fear live in the darkest corners under your bed. And it isn't even "Putin" who will be harmed. Everyone knows. T…
You know as well as everyone that manipulating markets in order to punish a single person (Putin) is going to hit millions of others in the pocketbook around the globe, not just those sinister "Russians" that you liberal-types fear live in the darkest corners under your bed. And it isn't even "Putin" who will be harmed. Everyone knows. The idea is to hit the population hard enough that they blame their leaders (and in this case it will be populations in many countries). That is supposed to pressure Putin into doing what we want. But it doesn't work, everyone can see such strategies merely immiserate populations who do not turn against their leaders, but drive them further into their arms. Just look at Venezuala, Iran, Russia, etc. They know who is responsible. It isn't their leaders, it is YOU who wants to immiserate them.
You know as well as everyone that manipulating markets in order to punish a single person (Putin) is going to hit millions of others in the pocketbook around the globe, not just those sinister "Russians" that you liberal-types fear live in the darkest corners under your bed. And it isn't even "Putin" who will be harmed. Everyone knows. The idea is to hit the population hard enough that they blame their leaders (and in this case it will be populations in many countries). That is supposed to pressure Putin into doing what we want. But it doesn't work, everyone can see such strategies merely immiserate populations who do not turn against their leaders, but drive them further into their arms. Just look at Venezuala, Iran, Russia, etc. They know who is responsible. It isn't their leaders, it is YOU who wants to immiserate them.