You might consider including education in 2). Especially in the US, it has become highly financialized like medicine. Also a sink-hole for parents desperately spending money on their children (their legacy (afterlife) issues, as opposed to their end-of-life issues).

Increasingly, it is an internationally traded commodity both in terms of students and faculty. And it tends to flow from periphery to core. That raises all sorts of brain-drain and development questions.

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Synecdoche? Taxonomy? WTF? I literally have NEVER heard those words actually used in my life by someone I am talking to or listening to. I'm an investment professional, try to keep your Chartbook posts insightful and relevant to the global economy. If you'd rather go full scale academic on us and impress us with your command of the English language, let us know. I'll drop my subscription.

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Drop your subscription! Okay, maybe sesquipedalian taxonomers can be a bit anodyne, but, that's no call for being a synecdouche.

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I hadn't heard the word "synecdoche" since I was doing grad work in English almost 40 years ago, but taxonomy is rather less uncommon in my experience (but I started my studies in biochemistry, so YMMV) ...

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bro only reads this and The Macro Compass

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Nicely done. I largely agree, but note that this is the eternal riposte of the historian vs the philosopher, the particular vs the general. So the question becomes, in these circumstances, should we narrow our focus, or expand our view? My sense is that for political discourse, especially in the social sciences/humanities, "capitalism" ("neoliberalism," "power" etc.) are used so capaciously as to obscure more than they reveal. So focus is advisable.

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Is engineering and construction a separate sector?

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Is this synecdoche quest simply trying to overcome the fallacy of composition error by 10? Where is the State, terms of trade, and the changing dominance of a sovereign currency?

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"2?"? It's as obvious as the nose on your face! It's just a matter juxtaposition. Why only simpletons would have failed to notice the massive bulk orders of machetes into Rwanda ( see Section 5.6 @ https://archives.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO403E.html ), but, noooooo, these hyper-liberal dogooders, just assumed that it was Africa and so these agro-industrial tools were meant for working cocoa bean farms and plantations. Utterly failed to anticipate hoes, shovels, picks, and machetes where the tools of choice for genocide in the late 20th century. Despite these complexes being stuffed in same big baggy of chocolate data-pudding. Stupid white men.

But, as luck would have it BC, the World's savior, that be Google, is hard at work developing a new quantum computer that will bring their dream of an AI-Leviathan capable of anticipating and alerting us (pop up boxes on our screens I suppose) that the Lilliputian's massive bulk order of 5-0 linen thread along with large quantities of suturing needles means there is a wayward traveller in need of rescue somewhere in the hallucinatory realms of an AI's imagination. We just have hang in there a little bit longer, avoid getting snagged on prominences of generalities, and we'll all be saved by Goooogle's new Minority Report 1.0 de-complex-ifier!

It is the same as Real Estate's mantra "location, location, location", except swap out "location" with the term juxtaposition. Now was that so difficult BC?

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