And don’t forget the shameful trend here in the U.S.! Significantly worse compared with 2000 - and disproportionately killing women of color (that data not shown here but available from CDC).

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More guns should fix that problem

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I don't doubt that there has been a reduction in maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, especially given the end of the civil war. However I am extremely skeptical about data from rural Sierra Leone; development projects there are rife with bad information. Much of what we hear, especially for the far east of the country, simply is not reliable.

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How about invite China to assist with the humanitarian needs…they are so keen on pilfering the minerals!

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If you spend a lot of time driving around Sub Saharan Africa, "the Chinese built a new road" is the sweetest phrase imaginable. The infrastructure improvements initiated by the Chinese government bring very real tangible benefits. The US government and other Western donors do a lot of good, but a lot of their investments are dubious.

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I mean if building a good road is the only thing then even this guy did that

Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/robert-fisk-osama-bin-laden-interview-sudan-1993-b1562374.html

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Thank you for reporting on maternal mortality. It is an underlying reality that is not often mentioned. Giving birth is more dangerous than having an abortion.

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Nigeria has an official language of English, and the Nigerians here speak English beautifully. Their English language novelists are great. But they have a profusion of local languages and they have much tribalism in th back country.

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Very worthy subject, and good to focus the whole letter on this.

Isn't it remarkable that Africa is the by far most dangerous place to give birth, and the only continent with a growing population.

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Not really. Getting maternal and infant mortality down is directly correlated with choosing smaller families and there is good logical reason to expect some casual link. If you fear your child not surviving you are more likely to have another.

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With respect to the situation in Sierra Leone, one should definitely note the role of John and Hank Green - the vlogbrothers

John and Hank Green - vlogbrothers https://www.youtube.com/@vlogbrothers

Partners in Health Sierra Leone Fundraiser Announcement https://youtu.be/DwDjsNFHVhQ 4:38 / 15 October 2019

Let's Talk about Money https://youtu.be/sDhpBFDU3ro 5:15 / 19 November 2024

Learn more about our project to help Partners in Health radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone: https://www.pih.org/hankandjohn

If you're able to donate $2,000 or more to this effort, please join our matching fund: https://pih.org/hankandjohnmatch

If you're in Canada, you can donate here: https://pihcanada.org/hankandjohn


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