The reason the question seems to be matter of which discursive button to push is because major redistributive policy is off the menu. Why can't / won't the major parties offer people super popular things like a raise in the minimum wage? I'm guessing economic elite capture of US politics, from which follows the non-existence of pluralism…
The reason the question seems to be matter of which discursive button to push is because major redistributive policy is off the menu. Why can't / won't the major parties offer people super popular things like a raise in the minimum wage? I'm guessing economic elite capture of US politics, from which follows the non-existence of pluralism, is the go-to for an answer to that. I suppose AT is taking this as read, but it bears mentioning that winning options are precluded by these dynamics.
The reason the question seems to be matter of which discursive button to push is because major redistributive policy is off the menu. Why can't / won't the major parties offer people super popular things like a raise in the minimum wage? I'm guessing economic elite capture of US politics, from which follows the non-existence of pluralism, is the go-to for an answer to that. I suppose AT is taking this as read, but it bears mentioning that winning options are precluded by these dynamics.