(Note Russia was knocked out of the war in 1917. The debts shown below were parr of the pre-1917 financial flow orchestrated by London).
I think the real lesson for our times is how Russia was "knocked out" of the war and how it's withdrawal led very quickly to the end of the war, a horrific years long slaughter of the youth of Europe.
(Note Russia was knocked out of the war in 1917. The debts shown below were parr of the pre-1917 financial flow orchestrated by London).
I think the real lesson for our times is how Russia was "knocked out" of the war and how it's withdrawal led very quickly to the end of the war, a horrific years long slaughter of the youth of Europe.
If the US was "knocked out" of attacking/provoking Russia through Ukraine, knocked out of supporting the genocide of the Palestinians in Israel, humanity would benefit immensely. So, what was that knock out technique of Russia? That deserves much more attention as we stand looking into the abyss of a nuclear WW3. For your purposes, there was also also a fascinating economic experiment bound up with Russia's exit from WW1.
The history of how the US became US imperialism is interesting, but that history is coming to its logical end. It is undeniable that US imperialism is in an irreversible decline and it's taking its junior partners in Europe down with it, quite quickly. If it goes on like this much longer it will take every living creature on earth down with it.
I see you support the doomed effort to beat nuclear power Russia via the neonazi Ukraine regime. I can only imagine your thoughts on the genocide aided and directed by US imperialism. So, we don't have much to discuss, Steve-O. See you on the barricades.
Done by Russians? Have you heard the news about, Bucha Steve-O? And what do you think of the Ukrainian government? Lotta Nazis aren't there? How do you feel about, Nazis, Steve-O?
Nonetheless, I'm glad you at least wish to dissociate from the Zionist Genocide of the beautiful, heroic and noble Palestinian people. Good instincts on that atrocity.
Good, you're not going to deny that Russia launched a missile attack on a children's hospital. Thanks, I appreciate your honesty on this one important fact.
Russia was knocked out by the Ottoman Empire's control of the Daradanelles and Bosphorus straits which control the entry into the Black Sea. Those were the waterways on which most of Russia's trade flowed. In 1914 the Ottomans entered the war and simply blocked these straits to Russian commerce, denying them hard currency with which they could finance the imports and finally the war. Two and a half years later, in February 1917 Russian got itself a revolution where the revolutionaries demanded bread.
This was the reason the Soviet Union signed the Montreux Convention in the 1930s with all the other Black Sea states: to regulate the access to the Daradanelles and Bosphorus straits. This still remain a foreign policy objective for the Russian Federation today and the reason Turkey is in NATO.
So, you're understanding is that Tsarist Russia removed itself from the war? And the Bolsheviks, not the people, merely wanted bread, not land and an end to the senseless slaughter of their sons for the geopolitical objectives of the ruling class? You don't have to read Trotsky. Even AJP Taylor would tell you that you are dead ass wrong.
But it is interesting how mightily your psuedo explanation of the fact that a social revolution ended Russia's participation in an Imperialist war abroad. Why would you tie your petty bourgeois self in knots trying to cover up an uncontroversial fact of world history?
(Note Russia was knocked out of the war in 1917. The debts shown below were parr of the pre-1917 financial flow orchestrated by London).
I think the real lesson for our times is how Russia was "knocked out" of the war and how it's withdrawal led very quickly to the end of the war, a horrific years long slaughter of the youth of Europe.
If the US was "knocked out" of attacking/provoking Russia through Ukraine, knocked out of supporting the genocide of the Palestinians in Israel, humanity would benefit immensely. So, what was that knock out technique of Russia? That deserves much more attention as we stand looking into the abyss of a nuclear WW3. For your purposes, there was also also a fascinating economic experiment bound up with Russia's exit from WW1.
The history of how the US became US imperialism is interesting, but that history is coming to its logical end. It is undeniable that US imperialism is in an irreversible decline and it's taking its junior partners in Europe down with it, quite quickly. If it goes on like this much longer it will take every living creature on earth down with it.
If the US was "knocked out" of attacking/provoking Russia through Ukraine...
You mean "provoking" Russia by providing the Ukrainians with the weapons they need to defend themselves? (Have we had this argument before?)
I see you support the doomed effort to beat nuclear power Russia via the neonazi Ukraine regime. I can only imagine your thoughts on the genocide aided and directed by US imperialism. So, we don't have much to discuss, Steve-O. See you on the barricades.
You may be surprised to learn I'm anti-genocide, whether it's being done by Israelis or Russians. Both bomb hospitals:
Done by Russians? Have you heard the news about, Bucha Steve-O? And what do you think of the Ukrainian government? Lotta Nazis aren't there? How do you feel about, Nazis, Steve-O?
Nonetheless, I'm glad you at least wish to dissociate from the Zionist Genocide of the beautiful, heroic and noble Palestinian people. Good instincts on that atrocity.
Good, you're not going to deny that Russia launched a missile attack on a children's hospital. Thanks, I appreciate your honesty on this one important fact.
Russia was knocked out by the Ottoman Empire's control of the Daradanelles and Bosphorus straits which control the entry into the Black Sea. Those were the waterways on which most of Russia's trade flowed. In 1914 the Ottomans entered the war and simply blocked these straits to Russian commerce, denying them hard currency with which they could finance the imports and finally the war. Two and a half years later, in February 1917 Russian got itself a revolution where the revolutionaries demanded bread.
This was the reason the Soviet Union signed the Montreux Convention in the 1930s with all the other Black Sea states: to regulate the access to the Daradanelles and Bosphorus straits. This still remain a foreign policy objective for the Russian Federation today and the reason Turkey is in NATO.
So, you're understanding is that Tsarist Russia removed itself from the war? And the Bolsheviks, not the people, merely wanted bread, not land and an end to the senseless slaughter of their sons for the geopolitical objectives of the ruling class? You don't have to read Trotsky. Even AJP Taylor would tell you that you are dead ass wrong.
But it is interesting how mightily your psuedo explanation of the fact that a social revolution ended Russia's participation in an Imperialist war abroad. Why would you tie your petty bourgeois self in knots trying to cover up an uncontroversial fact of world history?