I don't know if ever occurs to the geniuses who make these decisions that if they had just left the original encampment alone, most of the students would have walked away once the semester was over. "Wait 'em out" is always the smarter strategy, when the encampment itself is not preventing the normal operation of the university, and this…
I don't know if ever occurs to the geniuses who make these decisions that if they had just left the original encampment alone, most of the students would have walked away once the semester was over. "Wait 'em out" is always the smarter strategy, when the encampment itself is not preventing the normal operation of the university, and this one, as originally conceived, before administration and police escalation, was not impeding any student or faculty access to university facilities.
Right, highly concerned about the "out of control" people armed with tents and candles and folk songs, not at all concerned about an out-of-control military armed with 2000 pound bunker buster bombs.
I don't know if ever occurs to the geniuses who make these decisions that if they had just left the original encampment alone, most of the students would have walked away once the semester was over. "Wait 'em out" is always the smarter strategy, when the encampment itself is not preventing the normal operation of the university, and this one, as originally conceived, before administration and police escalation, was not impeding any student or faculty access to university facilities.
People who have no self control behave as bad as they are allowed
Yes, but enough about the Israeli military. What about the protesters?
I was talking about protesters
Right, highly concerned about the "out of control" people armed with tents and candles and folk songs, not at all concerned about an out-of-control military armed with 2000 pound bunker buster bombs.