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I'm concerned that too much talk about violence between students and Police in US is actually distracting discussion away from blatant genocide backed by US and UK.

Shouldn't we get straight to the point?

Or is the real issue censorship of honest truths about genocide.

Here in UK a ton of column inches have been filled with whether a Police seargeant at a Pro-Gazan demonstration had committed a terrible act in telling someone they were "an obviously looking jew and couldn't approach the demo". Nothing mentioned about the Mass grave dug up in Gaza where Israelis had slaughtered and buried over 100 victims.

Btw this is the third or 4th blog I have read today by people I really respect for straight honest talking who have avoided discussion on the real issue - complicity in Genocide byt our elected governments.

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It's always the case that whenever a protest movement arises, the media focuses all of its attention on protest tactics and clashes with the cops, completely ignoring what the protesters have to say. But that's not the protesters fault.

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If that is _always_ the case, then surely at some point it does become the protestors' fault?

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How so?

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And there you go, rendering the word 'genocide' meaningless.

You don't know much about war, do you? Because any intensive fighting in a populated area produces massive civilian casualties; usually the ratio of combatant to noncombatant deaths is around 1 to 9. In Gaza, it's 1 to 3 or 4.

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In Ukraine it is 50 to 1. 10k civilians (UN), 500k Ukrainian military (any competent observer) but that must be the most pro-civilian war in history.

But I take it you know better.

In Gaza there is no evidence of more than 1,000 combatant deaths.

Combatants against combatants and the IDF is taking a beating.

And 35k official deaths notified via hospitals but as the uncovered death pits indicate more likely to be at least 50k deaths.

So unless you refuse to look at Gaza objectively it is something like 1 to 25, perhaps as much as double that.

And you dare to imply this is not genocide.

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