Keep in mind that the auto industry is dependent on semiconductors. If the technology value chains suffer a disruption, the auto industry is disrupted. This sensitivity also effects medical, industrial machines and robots, everything.
I found this entirely fascinating. Thank you. It highlights the importance of networks, of which I know not much, and their dynamics, of which I know even less. Questions though, 1) how does trade-related finance compare with speculative finance, 2) what are the similar “pictures” of speculation, including criminal and commodities, and 3) how is climate change and biodiversity collapse affecting global finance?
Perhaps the new Sino-Russian reserve/settlement currency will restore that growth curve to its former glory, though it is unlikely to benefit the West.
Not sure how the banking financial flows are calculated, but it is striking that EU banking stopped being an International contributor after 2008. I wonder how much the negative interest rate has to do with this and how the banking flows have changed since mid 2022.
Keep in mind that the auto industry is dependent on semiconductors. If the technology value chains suffer a disruption, the auto industry is disrupted. This sensitivity also effects medical, industrial machines and robots, everything.
I found this entirely fascinating. Thank you. It highlights the importance of networks, of which I know not much, and their dynamics, of which I know even less. Questions though, 1) how does trade-related finance compare with speculative finance, 2) what are the similar “pictures” of speculation, including criminal and commodities, and 3) how is climate change and biodiversity collapse affecting global finance?
Perhaps the new Sino-Russian reserve/settlement currency will restore that growth curve to its former glory, though it is unlikely to benefit the West.
Not sure how the banking financial flows are calculated, but it is striking that EU banking stopped being an International contributor after 2008. I wonder how much the negative interest rate has to do with this and how the banking flows have changed since mid 2022.