I can’t speak to Italians but I can say that after spending 2 years studying the academic work that the progressive left in the US base their politics on they are not “better educated” but miseducated.

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Looks like a classic case of Lonergan and Blyth's "Angrynomics" from where I'm sitting ...

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I can't fathom why voters might possibly be angry? Our rulers and oligarchs are truly the most disinterested and enlightened folks that that ever are, ever were, or ever shall be.

Just ask them.

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A search of the article finds "right-wing" but not " left-wing". Such a bird wouldn't fly.

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With the Left losing its non-PMC voters around the western world, this is a breakup where the person doing the dumping is actually being pretty clear: “it’s not me, it’s you.”

It’s also interesting that the PMC have some of their last supporters in the youngest and oldest ranges that aren’t working. Does that say more about the PMC or the students/retirees?

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Thorough. Thank you. I'm just still struck by the shadow of Mussolini here. Shouldn't be surprised, but—

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This was very interesting.

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Your newsletter is always a great pleasure to read and a nourishment for the mind.

Thank you very much.

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No mention of covid in the whole article, even though it has been the most important issue of the past years. So-called moderates are whistling past the graveyard. They are the extremists. Forcing people to get a "vaccine" is very authoritarian.

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