Many congratulations, I read your nice profile in The Atlantic, although I have been a subscriber for a while

As I am from Florence, the city of the Renaissance, I must say you are profoundly a Renaissance man, as you analyze various subjects and draw the links among many dots in order to understand current events or historical moments

Congratulations on being recognized for your merits!

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Cough! When I had the pleasure of working in an pre-robo stamping plant on Jefferson avenue once upon a time the city leaders never missed an opportunity to inform me that I was living and working in The Renaissance City par excellence! So I guess somebody wasn't being completely honest with both of us? Probably the funniest memory of The Renaissance City on the St. Clair that recurs was when Ford suits were spending on a lavish photo op with the one and only true Renaissance Center building as a backdrop for their latest Marketing Department oxymoron, a "luxury Pinto" model. During the photo shoot the star Pinto spontaneously exploded into flames!

Now you may find that alarming, but, those of us who knew the Pinto wondered what the fuss was all about. There was a reason garages used to be detached from the house ;)

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I'm from Florence too, and had exactly the same thought ;-)

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I too read about you in The Atlantic. And sorry to pose this unrelated question here, but since you’re a crisis historian, do you think the Abe assassination is leading to war? I am not a history scholar but it occurred to me that key assassinations have preceded wars. Your thoughts?

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